Friday, April 24, 2009

Reflection week 5of6

I am doing alright in my classes, due to my charger dying, and no power in my laptop though I have been falling behind in my classes. Hopefully my new charger will arrive soon and I can continue to do well in my classes. In my math class, I do very well on the quizzes but I am lacking points on the homework a bit for not showing work. In my English class I am doing well I believe because I have great scores on my essays and I do well on the quizzes and in class participation. In my Business Management class I am lacking assignments and I don’t do well on the tests. In this class I am trying my hardest to get caught up and jumping at every opportunity to get extra credit.

Some things I need to do to continue to be successful is to keep doing well on my studies, to do my studies, and to keep turning in work on time. Some difficult challenges in my way would be in this class, and not fully understanding the reading journals. Plus not being able to turn in late work makes it hard. I also face the challenges in my band and not being able to find another guitarist or bassist.

I've learned that my reading skills are very well in this class, and the vocabulary is very easy to do. Also the blogging is easy as long as I take the time to do it. The reading journals though are a bit hard to figure out, but I'm working on it.

Calendar Week 5of6

To do list:
1. Promote my bands next show
2. Enjoy having friday off
3. Buy final season of "YU YU HAKUSHO"

Vocab week 6of6

Macabre (source. EDL word clues L p.92)
Def: adj.causing horror, gruesome, Horrible.

Source Sentence: Some of the displays in the catacombs outside Rome might be considered macabre.

Syn: deformed
Ant: beautiful

Sentence: The aftermath of 9/11 was so macabre that people to this day still relive the horror in their minds.

Despot (source. EDL word clues L p.58)
Def: n.A ruler/monarch with absolute power, tyrant.

Source Sentence: The ruler of this Balkan country was what is called "a benevolent despot".

Syn: Autocracy, dictator
Ant: Bureaucracy

Sentence: Hitler was a rutheless despot as he took control of Germany through force, enslaving and killing his own people, and then started an entire world war.

Anarchy (source. EDL word clues L p.46)
Def: n. Absence of a system of gov. and law, disorder and confusion.

Source Sentence: When the revolution unexpectedly succeeded in overthrowing the government, the rebels had to act quickly to prevent anarchy.

Syn: chaos
Ant: order

Sentence: When people become so opressed by their tyrannical leader and get fed up with it, they usually gain the peoples support to cause anarchy and overthrow the dictator.

Calendar week 6of6

To do list:
1. Band practice
2. Party
3. Party

Friday, April 3, 2009

Week 4of 6 vocab

Poignant (source. EDL word clues L p.62)
Def: adj.painful, piercing, intense.

Source Sentence: During her year in residence at Mt. Pleasent Hospital, Connie often witnessed scenes of poignant emotion.

Syn: sincere
Ant: heartless, mild

Sentence: The attacks on 9/11 were so poignant that we decided to go to war with Iraq.

Extol (source. EDL word clues L p.38)
Def: v.Praise highly, commend

Source Sentence: However, Connie realized that most patients extol the quality of hospital care available to the public today.

Syn: Glorify, exalt
Ant: disparage, be little

Sentence: The prime minister gave high extolment of the assasins abilities to his allies stating that his skill was unmatched and he would be best to hire for dealing with their enemies.

Affinity (source. EDL word clues L p.92)
Def: n.Natural attraction to a person or liking for a thing, agreement.

Source Sentence: Connie Franklin showed an affinity for health care while she was still in high school.

Syn: fondness
Ant: dislike

Sentence: His affinity for ice cream is well known, just walking into his favorite restaurant the waiter/waitress already knows what he wants and brings him a big bowl of ice cream.

Week 4of6 Calendar

To do list:
1. Grab Joe and goto movies
2. Have Band Practice
3. Prepare for Vegas this Sun.