Friday, April 24, 2009

Vocab week 6of6

Macabre (source. EDL word clues L p.92)
Def: adj.causing horror, gruesome, Horrible.

Source Sentence: Some of the displays in the catacombs outside Rome might be considered macabre.

Syn: deformed
Ant: beautiful

Sentence: The aftermath of 9/11 was so macabre that people to this day still relive the horror in their minds.

Despot (source. EDL word clues L p.58)
Def: n.A ruler/monarch with absolute power, tyrant.

Source Sentence: The ruler of this Balkan country was what is called "a benevolent despot".

Syn: Autocracy, dictator
Ant: Bureaucracy

Sentence: Hitler was a rutheless despot as he took control of Germany through force, enslaving and killing his own people, and then started an entire world war.

Anarchy (source. EDL word clues L p.46)
Def: n. Absence of a system of gov. and law, disorder and confusion.

Source Sentence: When the revolution unexpectedly succeeded in overthrowing the government, the rebels had to act quickly to prevent anarchy.

Syn: chaos
Ant: order

Sentence: When people become so opressed by their tyrannical leader and get fed up with it, they usually gain the peoples support to cause anarchy and overthrow the dictator.

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