Friday, March 20, 2009

Week 1of6 vocab

Scion (source. EDL word clues L p.95)
Def: n.bud or branch, descendant; heir.

Source Sentence: Mayor Leonard Bast, who was well known and widely respected, had been the scion of the town's oldest family.

Syn: origin, Jesus
Ant: comingled
Sentence: Jesus is the only true scion of God.

Caustic (source. EDL word clues L p.107)
Def: adj.subastance that burns or destroys flesh; corrosive: Critical or sarcastic.

Source Sentence: Salinger noticed that the prosecuting attorney made caustic remarks about Mrs. Bast every chance he could get.
Syn: acid, nasty, mean
Ant: polite, restorative
Sentence: The caustic substance ate away at their flesh until there was nothing left but melting bones.

Reticence (source. EDL word clues L p.130)
Def: adj.tendency to be silent or say little; reserve in speech.

Source Sentence: Salinger was absent when the court convened for the third day of the trial. By this time, the evidence weighed heavily against Mrs. Bast. However, she showed no reticence when she took to the witness stand.

Syn: Shy
Ant: Talkative, Bold
Sentence: The criminal stayed very reticent during questioning by police authorities.

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