Friday, March 20, 2009

week 2of6 vocab

Effrontery (source. EDL word clues L p.61)
Def: n.shameless, boldness; impudence, insolence

Source Sentence: As far as the older inmates were concerned, Massey's escape plans were sheer effrontery.

Syn: Pride, careless
Ant: Obedient
Sentence: His effrontery actions in combat earned him a Medal of Honor.

fetid (source. EDL word clues L p.73)
Def: adj.smelling very bad; stinking

Source Sentence: In spite of Massey's threats, none of the men would accompany him in the garbage truck which left the farm twice weekly. The fetid odor of the truck was too much for the men to take.

Syn: unclean
Ant: clean, fragrance
Sentence: His fetid odor drove all his friends away.

Garish (source. EDL word clues L p.97)
Def: adj.Excessively bright; glaring

Source Sentence: For several hours, Massey wandered along the watterfront, hoping to find a source of money or clean clothing. He avoided the garish lights of the taverns and bars.

Syn: Blinding. glareing
Ant: Dim, dull
Sentence: The garish light gave away the marksmen's position to the feds at the assasination of the president due to the glare off his scope.

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