Friday, March 20, 2009

Ref. Week 2of6

The impact that this class's vocabulary has had on me isn't really anything major. I know most of the words already, and they aren't that difficult. Using words in sentences is usually a lil difficult for me though.

I don't really see the words I don't know to well around me, but I notice the ones I already know. I hear em from other people who pepper their language with them though, and I even see them written on some things. The ones I don't know though, people don't seem to use that often which leads me to think that they themselves don't know those words either.

I approach unfamiliar vocabulary in the same way I have always approached it, and always been taught throughout my life in school; just by simply writing definitions and context clues, and studying them. There is not really much other way or at least not that I have seen.

I do use some of the new words that I have learned this semester in my vocabulary. I find it nice to be able to talk more knowledgeably than other people and to have a wider range of words to use. Unfortunately I do not usually remember the words long term that I struggle with, but I do remember the words I already know long term. This is something I will have to work on most definitely, but in time because rite now I have way too many other things to do in my life.

1 comment:

  1. It is difficult to integrate the vocabulary into your long-term memory. It is a lot of words to work on each week. Hopefully, at least a few with stick with you and be helpful somewhere down the line.
