Friday, April 24, 2009

Reflection week 5of6

I am doing alright in my classes, due to my charger dying, and no power in my laptop though I have been falling behind in my classes. Hopefully my new charger will arrive soon and I can continue to do well in my classes. In my math class, I do very well on the quizzes but I am lacking points on the homework a bit for not showing work. In my English class I am doing well I believe because I have great scores on my essays and I do well on the quizzes and in class participation. In my Business Management class I am lacking assignments and I don’t do well on the tests. In this class I am trying my hardest to get caught up and jumping at every opportunity to get extra credit.

Some things I need to do to continue to be successful is to keep doing well on my studies, to do my studies, and to keep turning in work on time. Some difficult challenges in my way would be in this class, and not fully understanding the reading journals. Plus not being able to turn in late work makes it hard. I also face the challenges in my band and not being able to find another guitarist or bassist.

I've learned that my reading skills are very well in this class, and the vocabulary is very easy to do. Also the blogging is easy as long as I take the time to do it. The reading journals though are a bit hard to figure out, but I'm working on it.

Calendar Week 5of6

To do list:
1. Promote my bands next show
2. Enjoy having friday off
3. Buy final season of "YU YU HAKUSHO"

Vocab week 6of6

Macabre (source. EDL word clues L p.92)
Def: adj.causing horror, gruesome, Horrible.

Source Sentence: Some of the displays in the catacombs outside Rome might be considered macabre.

Syn: deformed
Ant: beautiful

Sentence: The aftermath of 9/11 was so macabre that people to this day still relive the horror in their minds.

Despot (source. EDL word clues L p.58)
Def: n.A ruler/monarch with absolute power, tyrant.

Source Sentence: The ruler of this Balkan country was what is called "a benevolent despot".

Syn: Autocracy, dictator
Ant: Bureaucracy

Sentence: Hitler was a rutheless despot as he took control of Germany through force, enslaving and killing his own people, and then started an entire world war.

Anarchy (source. EDL word clues L p.46)
Def: n. Absence of a system of gov. and law, disorder and confusion.

Source Sentence: When the revolution unexpectedly succeeded in overthrowing the government, the rebels had to act quickly to prevent anarchy.

Syn: chaos
Ant: order

Sentence: When people become so opressed by their tyrannical leader and get fed up with it, they usually gain the peoples support to cause anarchy and overthrow the dictator.

Calendar week 6of6

To do list:
1. Band practice
2. Party
3. Party

Friday, April 3, 2009

Week 4of 6 vocab

Poignant (source. EDL word clues L p.62)
Def: adj.painful, piercing, intense.

Source Sentence: During her year in residence at Mt. Pleasent Hospital, Connie often witnessed scenes of poignant emotion.

Syn: sincere
Ant: heartless, mild

Sentence: The attacks on 9/11 were so poignant that we decided to go to war with Iraq.

Extol (source. EDL word clues L p.38)
Def: v.Praise highly, commend

Source Sentence: However, Connie realized that most patients extol the quality of hospital care available to the public today.

Syn: Glorify, exalt
Ant: disparage, be little

Sentence: The prime minister gave high extolment of the assasins abilities to his allies stating that his skill was unmatched and he would be best to hire for dealing with their enemies.

Affinity (source. EDL word clues L p.92)
Def: n.Natural attraction to a person or liking for a thing, agreement.

Source Sentence: Connie Franklin showed an affinity for health care while she was still in high school.

Syn: fondness
Ant: dislike

Sentence: His affinity for ice cream is well known, just walking into his favorite restaurant the waiter/waitress already knows what he wants and brings him a big bowl of ice cream.

Week 4of6 Calendar

To do list:
1. Grab Joe and goto movies
2. Have Band Practice
3. Prepare for Vegas this Sun.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Week 3of6 Vocab

Defray (source. EDL word clues L p.107)
Def: v.To Pay for.

Source Sentence: In some cases universities or governments defrayed the expenses of excavating the pyramids.

Syn: generous
Ant: stingy, greedy

Sentence: My entire tuition to Fullerton College is defrayed thanks to the wonderful federal aid provided by the government.

Relevant (source. EDL word clues L p.136)
Def: adj.bearing upon or connected with the matter at hand. To the point

Source Sentence: All matters not relevant to the task were discarded.

Syn: applicable
Ant: irrelevant

Sentence: The documents the lawyer held were relevant enough to prove his clients innocence.

Comely (source. EDL word clues L p.119)
Def: adj.Pleasent to look at, attractive.

Source Sentence: Objects like the statue of the comely face of Queen Nefertiti were of interest to everyone. The small statue of the ancient queen is perhaps the most famous piece of ancient Egyptian sculpture in the world.

Syn: pretty, handsome, beautiful
Ant: unattractive.

Sentence: She is of a comely age now where all the boys will be taking interest in her.

Week 3of6 Ref

A story that I can think of that I would share without letting everyone know too much about my personal life would be this...

I was at a backyard show one day and I met this guy hanging out with friends of mine. His name was Jessie, and he seemed pretty chill. I had beer and my other friend had vodka so we strted drinkin cheerfully. Jessie got really drunk super fast because he chuged the vodka and he strted crying about love and such. We talk, and I tell him Im a drummer since he asks. I wasn't looking for a band now, because all the other bands I was in failed because of people being non commited or just outright bitches. Jessie Says he plays guitar so I stated, "Hey we should jam for fun sometime". He agreed with me The night ends, and I leave the concert.

I have a Huge! lengrie party at my house a few nights later and invite him. He ends up crashing at my pad and for the entire 3 day weekend we hung out partying at my pad getting hammered at night, and rocking out during the day. It was the greatest. He was a really chill guy and we decided to form a band and start looking for other members.

A few days later at another backyard show I see him and once again Im drinking beer, so I buy him a 40oz and we have a awesome night. He introduces me to some punk who plays bass and this guy actually ends up becoming a friend of mine and someone I was in a band with also. Jessie is now named Thrash, and its a good name to define him as he is into "Thrash Metal". He is a really good friend, and would have my back no matter what, even if he was drunk he would come to his senses enough to throw down with my enemies. I love him so much I've even given him one of my x girlfriends and gotten him laid. He's like a bro to me and Our band is growing big very fast. He has quit 2'ce but only for a day or 2 and then hes come back (this is only because of the drugs he was doing). It's alright though because I love the guy too much to never chill w/him again so I took him back both times and we've been rocking and partying still ever since.

Week 3of6 Calendar

To do list:
1. Sell all my bands upcoming shows tickets
2. Get people to come see us play April 7th
3. Practice, practice, practice (while doin hw of course)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ref. Week 2of6

The impact that this class's vocabulary has had on me isn't really anything major. I know most of the words already, and they aren't that difficult. Using words in sentences is usually a lil difficult for me though.

I don't really see the words I don't know to well around me, but I notice the ones I already know. I hear em from other people who pepper their language with them though, and I even see them written on some things. The ones I don't know though, people don't seem to use that often which leads me to think that they themselves don't know those words either.

I approach unfamiliar vocabulary in the same way I have always approached it, and always been taught throughout my life in school; just by simply writing definitions and context clues, and studying them. There is not really much other way or at least not that I have seen.

I do use some of the new words that I have learned this semester in my vocabulary. I find it nice to be able to talk more knowledgeably than other people and to have a wider range of words to use. Unfortunately I do not usually remember the words long term that I struggle with, but I do remember the words I already know long term. This is something I will have to work on most definitely, but in time because rite now I have way too many other things to do in my life.

Ref. 1of6

The plans I made for last week was to practice with my band more, and stop playing video games and start doing my homework instead. I was also to stop doing my math homework during class and start doing it the day before. I have followed through with most of my plans as I’ve been practicing a lot more with the band, & I've also been playing less video games’ and lounging around. I've been putting my time to use making up in this class :).I have not stopped my bad habits in my math class though, but I'm still trying to work on that.

My reading strategies for last week were just to stop playing games, and get my stuff done. I have been doing very well, and have decided that I should be renting movies instead of playing video games as it helps me relax better and lets me be able to do homework by giving me some energy to do something. I can say I have followed through on that thoroughly, and have successfully been catching up in this class.

I think some adjustments I should make to my schedule and life, would be doing my math work the day before class instead of doing it during class. I need to sit down and do it no matter how horribly boring it is. Also I need to get caught up in all my classes so I don’t have to worry about falling behind or making up work.

Week 4

To do list:
1. Get Essay written
2. Get to school early to turn in essay
3. Goto See Slipknot

Week 1of6 vocab

Scion (source. EDL word clues L p.95)
Def: n.bud or branch, descendant; heir.

Source Sentence: Mayor Leonard Bast, who was well known and widely respected, had been the scion of the town's oldest family.

Syn: origin, Jesus
Ant: comingled
Sentence: Jesus is the only true scion of God.

Caustic (source. EDL word clues L p.107)
Def: adj.subastance that burns or destroys flesh; corrosive: Critical or sarcastic.

Source Sentence: Salinger noticed that the prosecuting attorney made caustic remarks about Mrs. Bast every chance he could get.
Syn: acid, nasty, mean
Ant: polite, restorative
Sentence: The caustic substance ate away at their flesh until there was nothing left but melting bones.

Reticence (source. EDL word clues L p.130)
Def: adj.tendency to be silent or say little; reserve in speech.

Source Sentence: Salinger was absent when the court convened for the third day of the trial. By this time, the evidence weighed heavily against Mrs. Bast. However, she showed no reticence when she took to the witness stand.

Syn: Shy
Ant: Talkative, Bold
Sentence: The criminal stayed very reticent during questioning by police authorities.

Week 4 vocab

Usurp (source. EDL word clues L p.5)
Def: v.seize and hold by force or without right.

Source Sentence: Sir Mordred attempted to usurp King Arthur's position.

Syn: anarchy
Ant: inheritance
Sentence: The people of England usurped the throne from King Richard because of his high taxes.

Arduous (source. EDL word clues L p.13)
Def: adj.hard to do; requiring much effort.

Source Sentence: It became arduous for the other European countries to compete with the Italians in trade with the Middle East and China.

Syn: struggle
Ant: easy
Sentence: It was arduous for him to do the work the other contruction workers did because he had little hours of training required to accomplish the task.

Repudiate (source. EDL word clues L p.93)
Def: v.refuse to accept; reject. Refuse to acknowlege: Cast off or disown.

Source Sentence: The French king and his ministers repudiated her.

Syn: shun
Ant: acceptance
Sentence: After his son had soiled his reputation, John Adams repudiated him all together as his son.

week 2of6 vocab

Effrontery (source. EDL word clues L p.61)
Def: n.shameless, boldness; impudence, insolence

Source Sentence: As far as the older inmates were concerned, Massey's escape plans were sheer effrontery.

Syn: Pride, careless
Ant: Obedient
Sentence: His effrontery actions in combat earned him a Medal of Honor.

fetid (source. EDL word clues L p.73)
Def: adj.smelling very bad; stinking

Source Sentence: In spite of Massey's threats, none of the men would accompany him in the garbage truck which left the farm twice weekly. The fetid odor of the truck was too much for the men to take.

Syn: unclean
Ant: clean, fragrance
Sentence: His fetid odor drove all his friends away.

Garish (source. EDL word clues L p.97)
Def: adj.Excessively bright; glaring

Source Sentence: For several hours, Massey wandered along the watterfront, hoping to find a source of money or clean clothing. He avoided the garish lights of the taverns and bars.

Syn: Blinding. glareing
Ant: Dim, dull
Sentence: The garish light gave away the marksmen's position to the feds at the assasination of the president due to the glare off his scope.

Week 2of6

To do list:
1. Do homework in reading lab
2. Grab joe and others and head to my house for band practice
3. Take joe and others back home

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ref. week 4

I always wait until the "day of", or the very last moment to do my homework. This is not the best way to get things done efficiently, and may not be to most people’s liking; but I like to do it this way. Take for instance, my math class. I like to do the homework and study the entire class period so when we take the quiz at the end of class I will know exactly how to do it, and I won’t forget anything. As for my other classes, I need to get the homework done the day before class so I'm not struggling in class. This is definitely something I need to work on. I could manage my time a lot better by getting all the homework done that is important instead of playing video games or watching a movie. Now that I've got my drum kit at my new house though, I can start practicing with my band again which will give me more energy, and cut out my time of lounging around playing video games, and not getting my homework done. I've learned some unique if not somewhat great and helpful skills by taking Read 96. I never new how to blog before, I didn't even know you could use Google to make a weekly or monthly calendar! I've found these to be somewhat helpful in letting myself and the teachers or fellow students know my plans so we could better communicate and work together better.

Week 1of6

To do list:
1. Do schoolwork
2. Buy concert ticket for later tonight
3. Goto concert tonight

Friday, February 20, 2009

Week 3

Today's To Do List
1. Go to police station
2. Go see Dropkick Murphys
3. Grab my stuff and find a new place to live.

Friday, January 30, 2009

First Vocab.

Incredulity (Efficient & Flexible Reading, p.106)
Def: n. The quality or state of being incredulous; inability or unwillingness to believe.

Source Sentence: Their incredulity persists even now that i am a senior resident, working in one of the world's busiest hospital emergency rooms.

Synonym: Disbelief, stubborn
Antonym: Approval, acceptance
Sentence: Watching Johnsons limbs get blown off was just to incredulous for the men to believe.

Preempt (Efficient & Flexible Reading, p.106)
Def. v. 1.To forestall or prevent (something anticipated) by acting first
2. To acquire or appropriate before someone else

Source Sentence: Some even preempt suspicious patients by saying "Yes I am a doctor, and you can check online when you get home"

Synonym: Early, surprise
Antonym: Late, lagging
Sentence: The preemptive strike against the enemy was a huge success, due to them not expecting it.

Pristine (Efficient & Flexible Reading, p.105)
Def. adj. Having its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied; neat and clean

Source Sentence: Proudly wearing my pristine white coat and feeling sure that I was going to save the world, I walked into my patients room.

Synonym: Spotless, translucent, original
Antonym: Dirty, corrupt, different
Sentence: My house is in pristine condition unlike my neighbours, who is continually adding on to his home.